Youth Ministry Activities


Bible Word Art
During the Fall semester, our youth became acquainted with the practice of Lectio Divina.  Taking that form of prayer to the next level, the youth were invited to take a passage of scripture (Matthew 6:5-15) and identify the words in that passage that stood out to them.  They then took those words and transferred them to a different sheet of paper, creating amazing pieces of poetry and art.  

Lighting the path of  darkness
After sharing together reading John 1, our youth were invited to walk through this labyrinth that was created out of 200 feet of silver Christmas garland. 

 At the center are battery powered tea lights.  As they entered the labyrinth, the youth were invited to reflect on their past year.  What new people have come into their life?  Who has become less active in their life?  What new experiences have they had? What is their biggest regret?  They then walked through the darkened labyrinth towards the lit center

After the youth reached the center, they were invited to pick up one of the tea lights and carry it with them as they journeyed back out.  They then placed their light somewhere along the path to represent them using the light of Christ that shines in them to help illuminate the journey for others. 

Little People Nativity Scene Scavenger Hunt 
Directions: Decipher a clue and read the scripture passage to locate each of the characters of the Christmas story.  Once you have found a character, bring them back to the stable, and then receive the next clue.  The team to located (and place) the most nativity characters wins.

I am a Carpenter. You can read about my story in Matthew 1: 18-20. 
My Name is_______________________________

I am a young teenager. You can find the song I sing to God in Luke 1: 46-55.         
My name is____________________________________

My name is a Hebrew word that means, “God with us.” You can read about me in Matthew 1: 23-24 and Luke 2: 21-24
My name is________________________________________

The shepherds were sure surprised when I showed up! You can read about me In Luke 2: 8-14. 
I am a ______________________________________________

We made a long journey to see this child.  You can read our story in Matthew 2: 1-12

We are the_____________________________________________

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